This website is for historical purposes and the history of Friends of Brown County Veteran's. As such, it will no longer be updated.

  • Back side of Memorial sign showing major donation plaques.
  • Arial view of Memorial

Important Changes

Friends of Brown County Veteran's was disbanded in 2024. Management of the monument was taken over by PMI Entertainment Group, Green Bay, WI.

Brick ordering is handled by the Resch Center, Green Bay, WI. You can order bricks here Brick Ordering

This website will remain in place for historical purposes and the history of Friends of Brown County Veteran's. As such, it will no longer be updated.

A Tribute To All Brown County Veterans

Long after the victory parades and flag waving has ended, Brown County Veterans, both men and women who helped defend our county and protect the fragile peace shall not be forgotten. Some made the ultimate sacrifice, some have given us freedom and paid for it with pain and suffering, others gave up family life or promising careers to defend us. This tribute is not to honor or glorify war, but to show appreciation to the common man and woman who rose to do the uncommon.

Their readiness to take risks, the courage and valor they displayed, the blood they shed, the lives they gave . . .


Over 4000 Tribute Bricks are currently in place. On a first-come first-served basis, the remaining 3000 4" x 8" Tribute Bricks will be located inside the circular sidewalk. Additional 4" x 8", 8" x 8" and 12" x 12" Tribute Bricks will be located on the approach walkway leading up to and around the Memorial. Please select "Brick Order Forms" from the menu to print out your purchase form.